Tuesday 22 April 2014

The Coming and the Going

I never knew that when I moved back to Tremont from Chicago I would fall into the most beautiful relationships. 
Waiting for the bus at Lincoln Square

I was reluctant to leave the city then, May 2012. I loved those streets, those buildings, the life that thumped out at all hours of the day or night. I was wrapped up in the grit and grime of city living. The satisfying struggle of twisting my bike around potholes and CTA busses, flashing my card and hopping the L, and buying groceries based on their weight and the distance back to my apartment. I wasn't done living that life, and I knew if I went home I'd forfeit it all.

But God was nudging me back. It took a day of fasting in the Starbucks farther from campus (so I wouldn't see anyone I knew). I laid out all my options, made t-charts of the negative and positives, and told God exaclty what I wanted. But in those hours of sitting there, my heart changed in a way that can only be attributed the Spirit. I wanted Chicago, but Tremont beckoned. Tremont made sense. Tremont started feeling like peace.

Watching the sun rise over Lake Michigan
I spent that first summer back in turmoil. I hated it. I hated driving my car everywhere. I hated that nothing ever changed. I hated that I had no friends. I hated that I felt like an outsider. I wrote lots of terrible, angry poems about migraines and mayonaise, and the color beige. It was an ugly time. But I stuck it out, still sure that it was right.

Things changed when youth group started up that fall. I signed up to be a small group leader because a boy I kind of liked told me it was a good idea. He came and went in a ball of fire and more bad poetry, but I'm pretty sure if it wasn't for him, I would never have met some of my dearest and now closest friends.

Knowing those girls has changed my life. I love seeing them struggle and grow. I love having them over Saturday nights. I love living life with them. It's been almost two years now that we've been a small group, with some additions and some subtractions. Two years I wouldn't trade for all the bike lanes in Chicago. In them I see God's sovereignty, his grace, his timing, his redemption, and his plan. In knowing them I am blessed beyond measure. They are beautiful girls full of His life and His Spirit.

Watching the Pumpkin Fest parade with Amber and Zoe
Most of all, though, I love seeing them counsel each other. They are tender and they are loving. But they speak truth to each other. They walk through sorrows together and through joys and triumphs. They leave me in awe of God's power. They were not like this two years ago. They have grown. They have blossomed. And I've had the privelege of walking beside them as it happened.

I said this once already, but I am in absolute, jaw-dropping awe at how God has so richlly blessed me in Tremont. My small group is only a part of that. A wonderful part, but still only part. Meeting people at CAT, spending time with my family, working with students at the Cabin, working at Eli's, all of it has been more incredible than I can even put words to. So often I find myself listing adjectives in my journal because I can't even string together sentences to do this life justice.
Small group on the hayrack at Harvest Time Services

I realize this doesn't have a whole lot to do with moving to Slovakia. But it's been on my heart, and it is what I'll be leaving. It's why sometimes I can't even breathe when I think about Slovakia. But it's also how I know it will be ok. Because God provided for me here, in Tremont, and he will do the same there, in Levice. He's before all and in all. He is all.

What an unexpected adventure this life is.

I'm going to be sharing about my upcoming move to Slovakia at Northfield Chrisitan Fellowship
next Wednesday, April 30th at 7pm. If you're interested, I'd love to have you come out. I'll be around afterwards as well to chat and answer questions.

Thanks for walking with me through this.

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